Ping's in a rock

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Ping's in a rock

Мнениеот snapperhead51 » Съб Юли 07, 2012 10:05 am

I have been growing pings for some time , only a few like sethos and wassa mainly , just because they are cp's, but lately I taken a greater interest in these plants, so expanding the amount of species range , hard to do here in AU,only seed allowed in to the country, so any one got some hard to get ping seed out there let me know please , can swap or buy them form you, any how got this volcanic rock , looked very cool, some one suggested it would look very good with some pings growing in it , so got the mini jack hammer out made some indents that were there, into holes and planted some pings in them , looks very plain now , when the plants grow and some moss grows as well should look quite the growing rock I think




Мнения: 92
Регистриран на: Пет Апр 08, 2011 11:59 am
Местоположение: Adelaide South Australia

Re: Ping's in a rock

Мнениеот subversive » Съб Юли 07, 2012 9:23 pm

Cool [smilie=man_in_love.gif] How do you provide them the needed moisture? I mean mine are continuously soaking. Is this rock method only for some species or is it actually working for all of them?
Cheers! [smilie=drinks.gif]
Мнения: 953
Регистриран на: Пон Фев 22, 2010 9:38 am
Местоположение: Велико Търново

Re: Ping's in a rock

Мнениеот snapperhead51 » Нед Юли 08, 2012 12:59 am

Hi subversive
these are low water pings , P.sethos and P.wassa ,dont need a lot of watering, they rot if watered to much , so great for this application, there doing ok only mist them now and again, but the are in low sun just now , summer time will be very different, but then my mister will be on all day 8 times a day for 4 min a time so they will no be short of moisture
Мнения: 92
Регистриран на: Пет Апр 08, 2011 11:59 am
Местоположение: Adelaide South Australia

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